Plot 350

ZA Blodelsheim

  Plot 350

ZA Blodelsheim

  Plot 350

ZA Blodelsheim

Property title Plot 350 : 200 ares
Internal reference 1200350
Property type (Land/Office/Workshop/Building) Land
Description Plot of land measuring 200,57 ares (2 hectares). The plot can potentially be divided. Connected to utilities and equipped with fiber optic. Permitted activities include crafts, industry, services, and commerce.
Municipality name Blodelsheim
Business zone name ZA de la Hardt
Transaction type (For sale/For rent/For sale or rent) For sale
Price 401 140 €
Availability (Immediate/Starting from…) Immediate
Full address or municipality ZA de la Hardt – 68740 BLODELSHEIM
Land area 200,57 ares
Facilities Fiber optic, electricity, and gas

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